(Not) Wordless Wednesday
This is Republican Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma.
The same Senator Coburn who has voted for every single Iraq funding bill that has been presented to him in the Senate.
Not one of those war funding bills contained provisions that paid for the expenditures that were authorized thereunder.This is Ed Edmondson shaking hands with Senator Harry Reid from Nevada.
Mr. Edmonson's son, U.S. Army Specialist Eric Edmondson, is seated in the wheel chair.
Mr. Edmonson and his wife serve as their son's caregivers since he was injured in an IED attack in Iraq four years ago.Senator Coburn is single handedly holding up the passage of a bill designed to help veterans and family caregivers of the seriously wounded.
Senator Coburn says he is doing so because the bill does not contain provisions that pay for the bill's expenditures.
Apparently, Senator Coburn thinks it is okay to vote for a bill containing no provision to pay for it if it sends our service people into harm's way, but not for one that would provide for their care if they return injured.
Happy Veteran's Day.